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Genealogical Research

I've had an interest in family history for a number of years now, though I've had better luck tracing back some lines than I have others.  Family links I'm actively researching include: (in Scotland) Agnew, Beveridge, Buchanan, Corrance / Corrans, Gemmell, Hill, Roy, and Ure; (in Ireland) Bradley, Buchanan, Condy and Wilson.  Links to the current state of my research on each of these lines will be posted here over the coming weeks, and updated as and when I turn up something anything new or of particular interest.


As I said in a recent blog post, I have also begun working backward from a series of links provided by William Buchanan of Auchmar in his 1723 Essay on the History of the Family and Name of Buchanan.  Our research into the Irish Buchanan's has been stalled for some time now, but it occurred to me that we might learn something new if we took each of the twenty-five Irish Buchanan families that William references, and checked to see if we could work forward from them.  Some are of more obvious interest than others - for example, one family is said to have been based just outside Omagh in the 1720s, while others are listed as being in and around County Tyrone.  I have begun with those, and will add notes as I go alone.  You can find the original quotes from William, and my working notes on them HERE.

The Roy family.

My grandfather, Adam Agnew (front row, second left), aboard LCT629 just prior to D Day.

Sarah Jane Condy (my g-g-grandmother)

Agnew Family

Coming Soon

Beverage Family

Coming Soon

Bradley Family

Coming Soon

Buchanan Family (Scotland)
Condy Family

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Corrance / Corrans Family

Coming Soon

Gemmell Family

Coming Soon

Hill Family

Coming Soon

Roy Family

Coming Soon

Ure Family
Wilson Family

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Published and Authorised by Craig Buchanan © 2022

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